It’s Here! Personal Best Group Coaching “Do you offer group coaching?” For the last couple of years my answer was, “Not yet, but I will.” The truth is I wanted to offer group health coaching. But, I couldn’t figure out how to organize a group that would maximize participant success without a beginning and end … read more
The Secret to Making Good Great? Focus on Focusing!
Dear Friends, I can’t wait for you to meet guest blogger Sheryl Scott. Sheryl and I met on Twitter where we have been conversing and sharing resources and ideas for nearly a year. She inspires her readers to live each day with vigor and passion day-in and day-out. Her enthusiasm is infectious and her “never say … read more
Heal Your Body With An Anti-Inflammatory Blueprint
When we talk anti-inflammatory, we talk healing. Anti-inflammatory this. Anti-inflammatory that. Let’s start with the question, “What is inflammation?” We can all easily identify inflammation when it appears on the outside of our body — swelling from a sprained ankle, a pimple, a paper cut or a bruise from knocking into something. Clearly we don’t … read more
Clean Your Pantry, Lose Some Weight
Spring is in the air. It’s the time of nesting, sprucing up and cleaning out. We open the windows, bring fresh cut daffodils into our homes, put away the winter sweaters. We even clean out the refrigerator, wipe down all the shelves and make room for Spring produce. However, very few people clean out their … read more
Free Tele-Workshop: Kick Sugar To The Curb With Ease
Get My Secrets (Ssssh!) To Beating Sugar & Carb Cravings! Do you: find you have no resistance to sugary treats? find you can’t stop thinking about sugary foods? feel guilt and shame around the sugary foods you eat? drag in the afternoon and need a pick-me-up? sometimes find the allure of nighttime snacks irresistible? Well, it’s time to tell your Sugar Monster “bye-bye” and kick sugar to … read more
Women’s NYC Weight Loss Group Starts Friday!
Harness the Power of Spring: Lose Weight, Balance Your Hormones & Heal Your Body Do you struggle with stubborn weight gain? Perhaps you have you tried many diets and regain any weight you’ve lost? Do you feel like you are eating “right” but not feeling any better, or perhaps you are trying to figure out … read more
Are You Experiencing Emotional Hunger?
Does it ever feel like you’re hungry all the time and just can’t stop eating or thinking about food? Chances are you are experiencing Emotional Hunger. The main difference between Emotional Hunger and Physical Hunger is where you feel the hunger. If you are physically hungry, you feel it in your body. Your stomach growls … read more
Register for The CALM is the New HAPPY Online Summit! It’s Free!
I’m one of the featured interviews in Calm Is The New Happy! Who doesn’t want to feel amazing? Who doesn’t want to be calm through difficult times? And who doesn’t want have clarity about their purpose? You may have already heard about a one-of-a-kind telesummit called, Calm is the New Happy: How to Lighten Your Worry, Get … read more
I Ride For My Dad
JOIN THE BATTLE. Beat Rare Cancers. This year I ride for my Dad. When my Dad was admitted to the hospital last summer he was diagnosed with leukemia and passed away less than a week later of pneumonia. Little did I now that when we entered the hospital he would not return home. I often … read more
Have You Fallen For The 21-Day New Habit Myth?
The 21-Day New Habit Myth Sets Us Up For Failure Have you come across all the hype promising that habits can be created in 21 days? Who wouldn’t want to believe that we can experience a cosmic shift in only 21 days? It’s short enough to be inspiring and long enough to be believable. Unfortunately it’s … read more
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