Why work with you?
Like nearly everyone reading this my path has been long and winding, and admittedly, at times twisted into knots. Where I’ve been doesn’t necessarily mean a thing. It’s the here and now … and right now, I’m EXACTLY where I want to be.
Sounds great, right? The fact of the matter is, you have EXACTLY what it takes to be EXACTLY where you want to be too. Together, we can put you on your path.
We often allow our past to hijack our present. I too was a product of all of this “wax build up”. After moving to New York after college I chose to follow a path of “acceptability” (with approving nods from family and friends) landing me in advertising. By my mid-20s I had a successful career, was married, and miserable. I ditched the career and created a start-up coffee business. And while it was cutting edge in its time, it too was someone else’s dream. I went back to school to find my calling — after receiving departmental honors for original research in the area of gender development, I enrolled in the Developmental Psychology master’s program at Teachers College, Columbia University. I found my calling but my dream of earning a doctorate got derailed — 9/11, divorce, single parenthood put my dreams on hold and out of reach.
In the years following it became difficult to get out into the world. The dread of work, the financial paralysis, the loss of my home all led me to believe, down to my core, that my adult life would only be one of persistent struggle and unhappiness.
BUT HERE’S THE GREAT NEWS! I found my way … closed my business, took control of my finances, lost nearly 30 pounds, found a new home that really felt like home, created a loving relationship and started a new career that I still love each and every day. Most importantly, you can do it too. You just need the support, the guidance, the right “coach” to help you help yourself.
Ready to partner for your health? I am! Let’s do it …
Who are your clients exactly?
I work with women and men who want real answers and real solutions. Many of my clients have tried quick-fix gimmicks and fads that play on their emotions. (Yeah, I know, I tried them too. No judgement!) They realize that these methods perpetuate the very issues they want to overcome! My clients want direction, support, and accountability. They want success that lasts. They are willing to fully step in with both feet and take a stand for their healthy and happy life.
How are you different from other “health coaches?”
I rely on my background in Developmental Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University, in combination with my coaching education, to uncover and eradicate the triggers that fuel unhealthy choices. My clients want someone to clear away the clutter, pinpoint the genesis of their issues and chart a course to success.
I don’t put you on a “diet,” an unhealthy cleanse or detox. I won’t sell you any product. I don’t endorse any particular line of products. I believe that a lifetime of good health is the result of changing long-held self-limiting beliefs, sound nutrition, and creating happiness in all the areas that fuel and nourish your life.
I have a busy life and don’t have much time. Maybe I should wait until I have all my ducks in a row?
Aha! There will always be some “reason” to prevent you from taking action to help yourself. In fact, your busy life and lack of time is precisely why you should work with me! … I get it. As a single mom, professional career gal, martial artist, and a New York City inhabitant, “Busy” is my middle name. Part of our work together puts a do-able plan in place. Then, with a bit of accountability, okay, a lot of accountability, your goals become reality.
Does this really work?
Yes, it does! I have a 100% success rate. Yes, really. It requires commitment, a willingness to be open and try new things, and the ability to laugh at yourself as we uncover and eliminate the yucky stuff that gets in the way of your success. Sounds kinda fun, right? Who doesn’t like to laugh?
For whom is this NOT going work?
Are you already saying this won’t work? Then this not for you. You have to want success. You have to be able to look in the mirror and say, “I’m ready. I want to change my life. I’m in!”
What kind of results can I expect?
This is going to sound kind of “cheeky,” but the short answer is you get what you put in. Stay committed, follow your customized plan, stay true to yourself, continue to work with me through the “rough patches” (don’t disappear!) and I guarantee (yes, guarantee) that you will succeed. You want results? You will get results. Results that last.
How quickly can I expect to see results?
Let’s be perfectly clear. This is not a magic bullet, a quick fix, a band-aid or get-ready-for-that-hot-date-next-weekend kind of program. This is a life-changer. My clients report “feeling better” and “in control” after our very first session. And that kicks off the beginning of a program that builds each week to redesign your life.
I just want to go week-to-week. Why do you only offer programs?
Frankly, week-to-week does not work, and my allowing that would be a disservice to you. Results require commitment and a plan. I hold a dedicated time for you each and every week, just for you, to keep you on track and moving consistently toward your goals.
I would love to talk with a few of your clients to see what it’s like to work with you. Can you make that happen?
Yes, I encourage you to! I totally get that. Please go to the Praise page and read all the testimonials. See which ones you feel drawn to, and contact me here. I will forward their contact information. Then feel free to reach out and ask what they got from working with me and my programs.
Ok, I’m ready to do this for myself but I have a couple of questions, may I call you?
Yes, let’s chat! Contact me here and let’s set up a time that works for you! I will happily walk you through the different options to see which one will be the very best fit for you. I can’t wait to see you succeed, and I am honored to be the one to help you. Let’s do this!
Ok, I know which program I want, how do I get started?
Congratulations! You are one step closer to a healthier and happier you. Here’s your first action — are you ready? Contact me here to set up our first get acquainted phone session. We will discuss your favored program and make sure it is the absolute perfect fit for you. This is about results and I want you to succeed! Once we agree that we are well-suited to work together, we will set up your future appointments. Yay!!! Then, I will send you a customized new client package via email to prep for our first session.