It takes listening to your inner voice, courage, and putting aside the well-meaning advise of others to follow your dreams and make transformational, dramatic change. Enter Dawn Sardiñas. I met Dawn in Kismet on Fire Island. A fifth-degree black belt in TaeKwon-Do, she owned her own dojo and had a thriving business on the Upper East Side. We shared stories of our martial arts experiences, including the impact many of our child students had on our lives. She was a grounded, entrenched “New Yorker” by all appearances. I was shocked to find out that Dawn was leaving New York to make her sunny Southern California dream come true.
Please meet Dawn Sardiñas
The Universe Will Reward You for Your Courage: A Mantra for the Adventure of Your Life
In 2013, I decided to leave New York City after nearly 15 years. I sold my business and left my apartment in the neighborhood I grew to love, that had finally loved me back (no small feat in NYC!).
As I shared what I was up to with people, there was a lot of wonder and awe. People could not imagine leaving everything behind to create a whole new life from scratch. They made me wonder if I was courageous or just crazy. (I think the answer is both.)
The thing is, it’s just life. People take it too seriously. I asked myself “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” and “Could you handle that?” The truth is, nothing that bad is going to happen. I believe your thoughts create your reality. That being said, it is still scary, and exciting. Life is about creating, moving forward, learning and growing.
“A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are made for.” – William Shedd
Since making that decision and taking those initial steps, I took the summer to drive cross-country ( and decided to move to Southern California at the end of the year. I have started working on my next business venture and can hardly wait to find my next home!
It’s been a long time since I have felt this much life in my life.
I love the idea of life as an adventure and the best part is the impact my decision has had on the people in my life. They are taking chances and stepping out onto the skinny branches of the tree of life with me.
One woman has taken her personal training business to the next level by turning her living room into a training area.
Another has started making art again and is finding more satisfaction in her day job and personal relationships because of it.
My point is that there are all kinds of things that we can do to put the passion back into our lives. It doesn’t have to look like leaving everything and starting from scratch. It can be taking an art class or moving your business to the next level.
“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.” -Johann Wolfgang von Geothe
What’s the worst thing that could happen? Couldn’t you handle that? Remember the universe will reward you for your courage.
Post a comment below and let me know what you’re taking on. I love to see people win. I’ll be rooting for you!
Dawn-Marie Sardiñas is a 5th degree black belt in traditional taekwon-do and has a Bachelor of Music degree in Jazz Voice. Her latest business venture, Mastodon Training, fulfills on her passion for empowering young people by training martial arts instructors how to work with children. She can be reached at